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Couldn’t resist being the first person to post! Your product helped a lot to run a psychgeographical sound walk in Canterbury last month - when I have more time I’ll write more about it. Thank you!
Couldn’t resist being the third (err… fourth) person to post! I’ve been using Echoes for a couple of years now. It’s a great product. If you’d like to check out what I’ve been up to, visit www.vtsw.uk
Greetings from Detroit. My name is Billy Mark and I’ve been using Echoes for about six years now. I look forward to sharing projects and resources, as well as troubleshooting with the online party.
Hello from Trondheim, Norway! My name is Gyrid, and I have been using ECHOES since 2022! Looking forward to share experience and learn things I should know
Greetings from Ireland I’ve used Echoes for a few different little projects since 2020, and am excited about the future of the platform. It’s great to have this space to discuss things.