Crash issues using the app?

Ugrent question for walk that just was launched: Is there more people here that have the app crashing while trying to scan the QR- code or link for a walk?

This the link, and when we try to go via this or QR- code, the app just crashes: Det å bevare, det å rive ned - kunstneriske undersøkelser i Elgeseter gate - a geolocated audio walk by Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad on ECHOES

Are you on iOS or android? And are you using the TestFlight version if iOS?

I am on iOS. Not using the TestFlight. But wonder how this is for the audience? Will the link send them to the walk? It did when we had the launch saturday 2nd, but now it just sends you to the ECHOES main site, not to this specific walk. Thank you for your help on this!