Can anyone help me with the conditional playback feature? My goal is to create an echo where, when people walk out of that echo, and then back into it, a different audio file is played. I’ve tried a couple different ways, but without success. let me know if you’ve figured this out. Thanks!
Currently the only way to do this is to have separate zones, which have different trigger parameters.
I’ve thought for a long time that it would be useful to have conditional parameters on the Elements as well as the Echoes, so that you could do something like this, or effect (for example) random playback.
Thanks for responding. Can you clarify the process of creating separate zones with different trigger processes?
Just create two zones and then add different conditions on them.
I’ve made it as far as setting up two zones. But my ultimate goal is to use multiple zones in the same location to create a few layers of conditional playback. I want the the walker to experience a different sound when the walk back to an area they’ve already visited. But for some reason, my conditional logic chain only makes it to the first two zones.When they walk back they hear the first sound again. Can you let me know how I should link the multiple layers using the conditional logic? (Would a loom video be easier?) thanks, Josh (or anyone else who’s figured this out) for troubleshooting!
If you send me a link to the walk, I can check the logic. I’ll see what’s going on.
If you restart the walk, the conditionality will also reset (just in case you stopped/restarted).
Thanks Josh!
Hey Billy.
1A and 2A have no logic on, so they’ll always trigger when you enter them.
1B and 2B likewise have conditions on that they will only trigger when 1A and 2A respectively have triggered, which means when you return they will always trigger once you’ve entered 1A and 2A.
Same for 1C and 2C.
What will likely happen is that
- 1A will trigger and play
- 1B will trigger immediately afterwards (having seen that 1A has been triggered). That means they’ll both be playing at once.
- 1C will also then trigger immediately afterwards (having seen that 1B has been triggered). Then you’ll have all three (1A, 1B, 1C) all playing at once.
If you want to circumvent this, you could:
- make 1A play once (would stop you being able to use looping though)
- set the logic for 1B to ‘1A has played’
- set the logic to 1B to ‘2A has played/triggered’
and then also set the logic for 1B to ‘1A (or 2A) has not triggered’, thereby setting up a ‘chain’.
Hope that helps.